Sunday, November 23, 2014

Brightness appears in recesses on darkside

VIOLENT fury presents a terrifying face – eyes that could fit into a horror script and a mouth that sprays saliva with threatening noises.
Put them on top of an adrenaline-charged body and the handbrake that stops a mind from running out of control can flip off.
What comes next is often told in court when documenting the circumstances of injury.

A MAN in his 50s tells of a frightening experience several years ago at the bus stop outside Redland Hospital. A couple standing near the hospital boundary caught the man's eye.
The woman was heavily pregnant; her companion had his arm around her shoulders, appearing to comfort her.
Thinking she was about to have her baby and that he might alert the emergency staff, the witness called, “Are you okay?”

THEN the companion, a tall and fit-looking young man, turned and charged, with fists raised and screaming like an angry bull, “You mind your own f...... business.”
The  'helper' raised his hands in a surrender pose and walked backwards, saying “I was only trying to help”, but the man didn't stop.
The woman screamed, “Don't ... don't,” as the man's fists shook in front of a white face, wide eyes and gaping mouth.
Just then two hospital security men walked into the assailant's field of vision. He dropped his hands and turned away.

THE fury in that face will haunt the man (me) for life. On a later visit to the hospital, I told one of the security officers I would now think carefully before offering help to any strangers apparently in need.
He replied that the chances of a nasty incident were still pretty rare and it was wrong either to deny help because of such fear or to make presumptions based on quick observations.
The officer said that on one occasion three tough bikies had delivered a carton of beer after he lent them a wheel brace. That showed you can't judge a book by its cover.

READERS of the Classifieds often see expressions of gratitude from the hearts of those who have been helped by strangers.
The Thanks column is evidence that a society with a big chunk of negatives such as aggression and violence also has a very bright side.
For many generations, such columns have allowed people to state their heartfelt sentiments to someone they don't know but who cared.
At other times, the notices honour the individuals by publicly identifying them.
Lynette Pickett, of Capalaba, recently placed a notice thanking people who helped her. Her story will feature in the next edition of this column.

This column has appeared in the Redland City Bulletin.

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