Thought for the day: ebay is the world’s biggest classified advertising system but many readers still find great security in using "the Classies they can hold" – those in their local paper.
Today’s post comes from yesterday’s Redland Times, a Rural Press title servicing a vibrant community on Moreton Bay, the shimmering entry statement to the new force in the Australian economy, south-east Queensland". The Times and its sister paper, the Bayside Bulletin, put their classified ads online at http://www.redland.yourguide.com.au/searchclas.asp.
A LOT of blokes get a bit edgy about admitting they acted according to the wishes of the person television barrister Rumpole once dubbed as "she who must be obeyed".
The average Aussie man who dares to reveal he has obeyed "the missus" is still likely to cop a ribbing from his mates.
Painter Tim Thompson, however, has no qualms about taking the advice of his fiancee, Deirdre Brennan, to upsize his Trade Services notice.
"I had good advice," Tim said. "Deirdre works in advertising. She told me I needed a bigger ad.
"I used to get three quotes a week; now I am doing about 10 a week, just off the one ad.
"It does the job, that's for sure."
Tim said he was now too busy to make a firm date for the wedding the couple has been planning since their engagement about two years ago.
And there are at least two other reasons for Tim and Deirdre to look for relaxation time at their Mount Cotton home.
Just 13 weeks ago, their first son, Cooper, was born. His sister, Emily, 2, really loves her little brother.
Tim was 20 and a former Shailer High student with a few years painting under his belt, rather, on his overalls, when he met Deirdre, a Chisholm old girl, about six years ago.
They first set up home at Alexandra Hills and bought at Mount Cotton about two years ago.
But back to Tim's Classified advertising campaign.
Deirdre gained some of her advertising nous from her work with a mail order business.
Tim's notice owes its success not only to the size of the ad but also to what it says.
A painter of nine years experience, Tim simply thought he should say something meaningful.
The feedback he has received clients over the years inspired some powerful words.His Trade Services notice makes five promises. They are, to: Beat any written quote; be on time, every time; treat furniture and fixtures with the utmost care and respect; leave your home spotless; and guarantee the highest quality work."People often say, 'I really love your ad'," he says.Now Tim also finds it difficult to walk the fairways and greens at the Redland Bay course, where he usually plays his social golf.
Thanks for joining me to meet the great people in the marvellous community of classified advertising. More stories on classiecorner.blogspot.com.