Behind every phone number and email address in the marvellous community of classified advertising, a great story is waiting to be told.
The community of classified advertising has a maternity hospital (birth notices), a mortuary (funeral notices) and everything between.
If you have had a memorable purchase or sale – or a good or bad experience through the "classies" – you may now share it with the world on classiecorner.blogspot.com. This invitation includes people seeking to promote items and services currently available.
The free exposure may help gain sales but, remember, Classie Corner is more interested in hopes and dreams than dollars and cents. For instance, a musician who bought a fantastic instrument from classified advertising may use this opportunity to promote their talents.
Editorial judgments will include taste, suitability and legal issues. Write as much or little as you wish and send a jpeg (max. 200 kilobytes) but I will use only the material I consider suitable for whatever reason.
References on this website are coming up on Google and the other search engines.
It is quite interesting to have been one of the reported 85,000 people a day launching blogs in 2006 and see my special community surfacing out the greyness and becoming available in such an environment.
Thanks for joining me. Email: fourjays@bigpond.com
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